Stamford Distracted Driving Accident Attorney
Representing Car Accident Victims
The growth in technology and popularity of mobile devices has made today’s drivers more distracted than ever. Smartphones, tablets, car infotainment systems, and many other electronic systems are constant sources of distractions for drivers. While such technology has made our lives more convenient, it has also led to the rise in auto accidents. Even though cars are safer than they have been in the past, motor vehicle accidents and fatalities continue to climb despite tougher laws to curb distracted driving accidents.
If you have been hurt by a distracted driver, talk to our Stamford car accident attorneys to learn more about how to recover compensation for your injuries. We can investigate your auto accident claim and help you determine whether driver distraction contributed to your crash. Our personal injury law office has earned a reputation as effective advocates for the injured.
Why choose The Rotatori Law Firm?
- $28+ Million Recovered for Injured Clients
- No Legal Fees Unless We Win
- 85+ Years of Experience
- Personalized & Accessible Legal Services
Types of Distracted Driving
Driving requires extreme focus and concentration. Any time you take your eyes off the road, you could potentially cause serious accidents and injuries
Distracted driving includes dangerous actions such as:
- Talking on the phone (both handheld and hands-free)
- Texting while driving
- Putting on makeup
- Streaming videos from your phone
- Taking photos
- Eating or drinking
- Adjusting the radio
- Sending and reading emails
- Surfing the web
- Playing with your GPS system
- Daydreaming
Connecticut’s Cell Phone Use & Driving Laws
It is illegal for all drivers, including bus drivers and drivers of commercial vehicles, to use a hand-held phone while driving. Drivers who are younger than 18 years old are prohibited from using all mobile devices while driving, including hands-free accessories.
Connecticut has banned the use of hand-held mobile phones and electronic devices while operating a motor vehicle. Although many drivers are using hands-free devices, studies have shown that use of a hands-free device is just as dangerous as driving with a hand-held phone. Exceptions to Connecticut’s cell phone laws include use by emergency situations and first responders such as firefighters, police officers, etc.
Tips to Prevent Distracted Driving
- Avoid answering calls while driving
- Secure your pets and children
- Plan your route and set your GPS before driving
- Take care of personal grooming before you enter your car
- If you need to make a call, safely pull over
Discuss Your Injuries at No Cost
At The Rotatori Law Firm, our Stamford car accident lawyers have spent decades helping the injured fight for fair compensation. Our track record includes millions of dollars in recoveries for our clients that includes compensation for their medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. Day in and day out, all we do is handle personal injury claims in Connecticut. We are ready to put our extensive experience and knowledge to work for you.
Schedule your free consultation today at (203) 626-1446 or send us a message.

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